
Growing up a Kramer was nothing short of adventureous. My parents were working class folk who always made the best of what they had. They struggled as young parents to raise three rambuncious boys. It was not always easy, my parents were certainly not perfect. But as i raise my own children and look back at he best times we had, I have come to realize something. I wouldn't change a thing. For what ever faults I may have developed along the way, I am happy with me. And me is the Sum results of all my Experiences. Good or bad I am greatful to be Me.

I am a Kramer!

Thursday, October 1, 2015


Today is Robin's Birthday, she's 41.  It is also her Sister's birthday, Kelli, and she is 41, so if you haven't guessed, they are twins.
They say that the relationships we make in this life will echo through eternity  If you belive such things..  Well I do.  I also believe that we lived in heaven with God and the angels before being born into this life.  We were in some way educated and prepared for the life we would ultimately live here.  I also believe that the relationships formed in that time echo through this life.
Have you ever just met someone and realized that feeling that you have known each other forever.  That's what I am talking about.
Robin and I have been married now for 22 years.  Which means that I have known her and her sister for longer.  I have watched them over the years and have come to realize that their bond as Sistes is one of those relationships that echo through eternity.
I have had a front row seat to the life that they have had together in the last 25 years as well as intimate knowledge of the life they lived as kids. 
Robin has been writing that story for the last year and a half.  I can only say that if people really knew what they have had to endure over a life time they would be shocked.
I will tell you what I have seen.
Robin and Kelli have endured, together, the loss of their Mother, due to a life time of Mental Illness.  They have endured the loss of their Father to the ravages of Alzhimer's.
I have watched as they have settled out very lengthy and difficult estates. They have done it with the grace seldom seen in siblings of simular circumstance.
Never an argument, never a harsh word or any sense of entilement.
Robin Merrill Kramer
I have always loved this picture for so many reasons.  This has always stood as a testimony to their relationship.  I think they knew that they would be sisters.  That they made promises to be there for the other no matter what.
I have stood as a witness to the life they have endured and that is why I love this picture.  But most of all for the knowledge of an often tragic childhood.  There were the moments of sweetest Joy.  Family, and the commitment we make to one another matters most when we share our greatest heartaches and our sincerest joy.
That is a commitment made between two Sisters.
I wish them both a very Happy Birthday.  
I express my sincere gratitude for being allowed to follow on this journey. 
I wish them many Birthdays well into old age.  I mourn for the day when one will eventually leave the other in this life.  I believe there will be profound grief and sense of loneliness until they are reunited to live forever as Sisters.

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