
Growing up a Kramer was nothing short of adventureous. My parents were working class folk who always made the best of what they had. They struggled as young parents to raise three rambuncious boys. It was not always easy, my parents were certainly not perfect. But as i raise my own children and look back at he best times we had, I have come to realize something. I wouldn't change a thing. For what ever faults I may have developed along the way, I am happy with me. And me is the Sum results of all my Experiences. Good or bad I am greatful to be Me.

I am a Kramer!

Thursday, October 1, 2015


Today is Robin's Birthday, she's 41.  It is also her Sister's birthday, Kelli, and she is 41, so if you haven't guessed, they are twins.
They say that the relationships we make in this life will echo through eternity  If you belive such things..  Well I do.  I also believe that we lived in heaven with God and the angels before being born into this life.  We were in some way educated and prepared for the life we would ultimately live here.  I also believe that the relationships formed in that time echo through this life.
Have you ever just met someone and realized that feeling that you have known each other forever.  That's what I am talking about.
Robin and I have been married now for 22 years.  Which means that I have known her and her sister for longer.  I have watched them over the years and have come to realize that their bond as Sistes is one of those relationships that echo through eternity.
I have had a front row seat to the life that they have had together in the last 25 years as well as intimate knowledge of the life they lived as kids. 
Robin has been writing that story for the last year and a half.  I can only say that if people really knew what they have had to endure over a life time they would be shocked.
I will tell you what I have seen.
Robin and Kelli have endured, together, the loss of their Mother, due to a life time of Mental Illness.  They have endured the loss of their Father to the ravages of Alzhimer's.
I have watched as they have settled out very lengthy and difficult estates. They have done it with the grace seldom seen in siblings of simular circumstance.
Never an argument, never a harsh word or any sense of entilement.
Robin Merrill Kramer
I have always loved this picture for so many reasons.  This has always stood as a testimony to their relationship.  I think they knew that they would be sisters.  That they made promises to be there for the other no matter what.
I have stood as a witness to the life they have endured and that is why I love this picture.  But most of all for the knowledge of an often tragic childhood.  There were the moments of sweetest Joy.  Family, and the commitment we make to one another matters most when we share our greatest heartaches and our sincerest joy.
That is a commitment made between two Sisters.
I wish them both a very Happy Birthday.  
I express my sincere gratitude for being allowed to follow on this journey. 
I wish them many Birthdays well into old age.  I mourn for the day when one will eventually leave the other in this life.  I believe there will be profound grief and sense of loneliness until they are reunited to live forever as Sisters.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Will Work for Beer

Robin and I were married young and for some reason we were in a hurry to get it done.  I actually know the reason but that is another blog for another time.  Needless to say that in our selfishness we did not really give family a chance to attend any wedding.  I regret that now more than anything, but regret doesn't change anything.
So when the time came for Robin to actually meet some family, she took it very seriously.  I just didn't see what all the fuss was about.
You see we were going to meet the Kramer's.  My aunt Peggy, my Dad's older sister, had arranged a little back yard BBQ for the occasion.
You have to understand that the Kramer's are a great bunch to have as Family.  Always great to be around, never feeling judged, just glad to be family.  Well that's the way I see it. We have had a few reunions over the years and it doesn't matter how long its been we just pick up the conversation as if it were yesterday.
 Robin was stessing about the situation I was trying my best to put her at ease.  To no avail.
She tried on several outfits and demanded she look her absolute best for the occasion.  She was very nervous as we drove out to my Aunt's.  Fussing over every detail.
we arrived and got out of the car, you could hear the laughfter in the back yard and see Robin physically tense in the anticipation.
We enter the yard and this is what we are confronted with.
My Aunt Peggy is wearing a t-shirt that says "Will Work for Beer".
you could see the tension instantly fade from Robin.
You see these were Robin's kind of people. Apparently her Dad's side of the family is very simular.
so needless to say the meeting went well.  Robin was instantly accepted as family and we have never looked back.  We look forward to the Kramer get togethes, knowing they will always be fun and welcoming.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Still Growing Up

Growing up in the Church of Jesus Christ of Later day Saints (Mormon) was not an easy task. 
There are a lot of reasons why this was for me.  My Parents did not share the same religious views among other varying outside influences.  When you are a child you do what your parents want and you accept it as being right.  As you grow you begin to want to know those things for yourself.  This journey of self discovery has been, for me, difficult.  There are a lot of different reasons why and maybe I will tell those stories another time, but for now I will tell you where I am now.
I am grateful for my experiences in life.  I wish at times I had the fore thought to learn from other's mistakes.  Instead I chose to make a whole lot of my own.  These experiences have made me who I am today. 
I have found out that This is my religious belief.  Not my Mother's or anyone Else's but my own.  I would not want to be anywhere else in my life but here.  In a lot of ways it has saved my life.
I am still growing.

Manfred Berger, Bishop Andreas Weckesser, Me

I have had the Wonderful opportunity to serve in our Church as a member of our Bishopric.  I have served as a councilor to our Bishop.  It has been a treasured experience to learn from two of the finest men.  This opportunity to grow and strengthen my Testimony of The Gospel Of Jesus Christ has been monumental for Me.
The interesting thing about this opportunity is that I am still Me. I have all the same weaknesses as ever before, but my strengths are beginning to out weigh them.

Ether 12:27

27 And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.

For this I will forever be grateful.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Home Away From Home

Growing up out Beaver Creek in Port Alberni was a great time in my life.  I loved being out in the country.  I was born in Southern Alberta and I remember being young and living on a Farm.  The outdoors, the freedom to roam, the animals and everything.  It was great.  We moved to White Rock from there and lived in the city for a while.  I think we drove my Mother mental.  Since then I am sure my parents endeavored to live in the country so my Mom could stay sane.  I loved our house, but I had a Home away from Home.

Brad and Donna Reynolds home down the way was that home away form Home.  I think my mom started babysitting their kids after school and then when she went back to work I was 14 and I started babysitting for them.  I think that is how it started.  They were on my paper route as well so I was by there everyday.  I am sure I drove them crazy as well.

Travis Reynolds

I spent sooo much time there.  It was great.  I felt like family.  I babysat for them and came over nearly every day.  Riding horses with the Kids was the best time.  I actually really miss it.

This pond is Molcasters Pond.  It is out beyond the Old McLean's Mill.

This was our favorite spot to go on summer evenings for a quick ride.  It was about an hour from the house back through some good trails.

Molcaster's pond


Amanda with Holly(6 months)

I thought it was great when we moved back to the Island when Holly was a baby and things came full circle.  Amanda did some babysitting for us and even gave Holly her first horseback ride.  Those kids are all grown up now and having kids of their own.  We keep in touch on occasion, but I miss those days.  I am grateful to the Reynolds family for including me in their lives.  These are treasured memories.

I have to put out a shout to Mark their youngest.  Sorry Mark I didn't have a pick of you in my collection.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Many Faces Of Robin

Robin and I out on a date waaay back when.  We were so young!!!

I Love these pictures of Robin.

Someone could say we were just babies when we got married. 
Our anniversary came and went in April. 
18 years! 
I think most people thought we wouldn't get through the year.  Robin is what I always wanted.  Not just her but the idea of her.  I remember kids growing up saying they wanted to be this or that.  I remember growing up and wanting to be married and a Dad.  Robin has given me the greatest gift.  I truly do owe everything that I m today to her.  She has always been the constant in our marriage.  I have definitely challenged her patients over the years and put all the vows to the ultimate test.  She has stood by me and at times has drug me in the right direction.   Robin is most of all irreverent, inappropriate, funny, sarcastic, strong willed, and most of all everything I need her to be when I just can't.  I love you honey. 
Thanks for being you!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Uncle Nolan Will Always Be the Cool One

My Little Brother is getting Married this summer.  Something we were never really sure would happen.  Don't get me wrong I couldn't be happier for him.  He has always been a free spirit.  Nolan is beholden to no one but himself.  I have always admired this in him and it has also been a most frustrating thing at times.  He is incredibly outgoing and friendly.

Nolan and the Beard

OOHHH your Nolan's Brother!!!  I went through MY senior year in High School being recognized in this way.  This may be the curse of the Middle Child.  I started the 10th grade being known as Clint's younger brother and all the girls I liked just wanted to talk to me so I could introduce them to Clint.  (Apparently he was HOT)  I had one good year in grade 11 of total obscurity.  My Senior year was supposed to be mine, but to no avail.  Nolan was still in Junior High and already I was beginning to become the Kramer that was Nolan's brother.  Worse yet was there were girls I liked again that knew of Nolan more than me. WOW!

Even his Nieces and Nephew Love him more!

Cool Dude!

One of many Hair Changes.

Waterton Park in Alberta

On the phone!  Remember those days.

Don't get me wrong, I am not bitter.  Any more!  I love my Brother.  He is the highlight of my kids life.  Everyone loves him because he is genuinely friendly.  He treated everyone with care and attention regardless of which click you were with in school.  Nolan was and is your friend.
Congratulations on the engagement Nolan and Maggie.  ( I just hope she doesn't become known as Nolan's wife)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

BMX bikes and jumping people

If you were a teenage boy in the late 80's early 90's you probably had pictures like this on the wall of your bedroom.  I had these and others ( but we won't go into the details of those).  Motorcycles and fast cars were every adolescent boys fantasy.  But until you could drive or got any good job you had to settle for that mode of transportation called a bike.  At least you could make it a good bike.  Back them the mountain bike was just barley in the market.  Just the same the coveted bike of choice for us was the BMX.  The Mongoose BMX was the proche of bikes, and everyone wanted it.
We were head over heals in love with this bike.  It was expensive too.  I had a paper route and hard working parents and it was a little out of our reach.  I remember a neighbor kid did get one and it was the envy of every kid for miles around.  The best thing about the BMX was the ability to do tricks.  You had to be fearless.  Remember safety equipment was non existent in my era.  Nothing like a good smack in the head by the pavement to remind you that you were still alive.  The best stunts were the home made jumps.  A good sturdy piece of plywood and some logs from the firewood pile and you had a good jump.  The higher the better.  And then there was the things you could jump.  PEOPLE!

This is not an actual picture of us.  I found it on the net.  It is a good rendition of exactly what we were up to.  And it is kind of comforting to know that we were not the only idiots around.
I remember one particular incident involving the above stupidity.
My parents were watching the neighbor boy while his parents were away for the weekend and we introduced him to our favorite past time.  He was too scared to lie with his face up so he layed down on his belly.  My older brother, Clint, was up and came roaring down the hill and around the corner.  We were all laying on the ground tense with anticipation.  He`s done it a hundred times what`s to worry about! Right!  well just as he is about to hit the jump his chain skips off and he loses desperately needed speed.  Hits the jump and comes off right in the back of the kids head.  Smashes his face into the gravel and infuses a gash between his eyes that needed stitches.  Needless to say my parents were not impressed at having to send this kid home after the parents got home with stitches between his eyes.  I don`t believe they were too impressed either.  I feel like I need to build a jump!